Maskells COVID19 Appointment Guidance

Last week, the Government announced guidance on how the house moving industry can resume along with how Estate Agents are able to get back to work, conduct viewings and meet with clients. You will be pleased to hear that the Maskells office will be open from today in order to service the pent up demand that has arisen over the past few weeks. Enquiry numbers have risen and we will be bringing new properties to market. 

Government Guidance
The Government has published detailed guidance on best practice with regards to the buying, selling and renting of property along with the process of moving home. Please click on the following link to read the guidance in full:


Key points are as follows:

·       You can market your property for sale or for rent.

·       You can move home.

·       Offers can be made or accepted on properties as per usual.

·       Viewings are allowed provided Government social distancing guidelines are adhered to.

·       Estate Agents can visit properties provided social distancing guidelines are adhered to.

·       Surveyors can inspect properties providing social distancing guidelines are adhered to.

To protect our clients, staff and anyone else we come into contact with, Maskells will be operating under the following measures as a minimum. We ask that our clients, those viewing property and anyone else we encounter, to observe the government guidelines.

 ·    At the outset, we will look to initially conduct an online viewing of each property to ascertain whether the property is of interest and a physical viewing should be considered.

·       Maskells is unable to offer transport to and from viewings. Please therefore arrange to meet at the property, avoiding public transport wherever possible.

·       We are only to show members of the same household around a property at the same time.

·       Please remove your shoes upon entering the property and be prepared to wear personal protective equipment.

·       Hand sanitiser should be applied upon entering a property.

·       Please do not touch anything whilst in a property.

·       The property owner will be asked to leave the property during a viewing and to leave all internal doors open as well as ensuring the property is well ventilated.

Market Appraisals
 ·     Where possible, we will appraise property through a video call however should you be prepared to meet with us, we can physically visit a property provided social distancing guidelines are observed and Maskells Staff will wear masks and gloves.

·       As with viewings, please ensure that the property is well ventilated and that we are not required to touch anything inside the property.

Visiting Our Offices
·       While our office will be staffed, to observe social distancing measures, some of our staff will continue to work from home.

·       Visits to our offices are by appointment only.

·       Please only request to visit our office as a last resort.

Thank you for your patience whilst we adapt to this new way of working and please be assured that we are as committed as ever to supporting you through these difficult times.

If you have any questions at all please do get in touch.


Posted on Wednesday, May 20, 2020