Buying a home is often the largest purchase you will make in your lifetime. It is really important you have the right information, at the right time, to ensure you make informed decisions.
You can avoid stress and speed up the process by knowing which questions to ask, what your rights are, and what responsibilities you have as a home buyer.
Who is this guide for? This guide is for people who are thinking of purchasing a home. First-time buyers may find it particularly useful, but as the buying process can change, even more experienced buyers can benefit from understanding the latest key steps. It is focused on freehold properties. It includes a short overview of how to buy a leasehold property – more detailed information is available in Government’s How to Lease guide. It covers purchasing a property which is currently rented out, but only if you plan to live in it yourself. If you’re looking for more information on buying to let, details are available in Government’s How to Let guide. It is intended for people purchasing a home in England or Wales. More information on buying property in Scotland or Northern Ireland is available through the links. It is intended as a helpful overview of the process; it is not a definitive statement of the law and not all of the steps are mandatory for all cases. If you are thinking of buying a property, you should seek independent financial and legal advice. Please note this information has been sourced from the Government and we are sharing this information on advice that All estate agents should make use of these guides to make consumers aware. Read the full guide here.. |